
How does one become a company director?
Article, Insights Henri Eliot Article, Insights Henri Eliot

How does one become a company director?

Directing is a privilege as well as a responsibility.

“While many premium recruitment firms do some boardroom work as well as executive roles, in my experience there are two smaller outfits that are worth reaching out to. Board Dynamics in Auckland specialist director-only businesses that I’ve found great to deal with.”

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Mike O'Donnell: The stuff directors can’t learn in classrooms
Article, Insights Henri Eliot Article, Insights Henri Eliot

Mike O'Donnell: The stuff directors can’t learn in classrooms

Mike O'Donnell: The stuff directors can’t learn in classrooms.

Formal learning about governance operations tend to concentrate on compliance, risk and process; but there’s little about the human factor.

And it’s the human factor along with the dialectic of board dynamics in Aotearoa that’s the guts of Henri Eliot’s new edition of Board Shorts.

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